Amber Alert is a thought-provoking narrative that follows a technology-obsessed teenager, deeply engrossed in his phone, oblivious to the urgent notifications he's been ignoring all day. With his phone on the brink of dying, he orders a car share ride home but remains distracted, inadvertently boarding the very vehicle at the center of an Amber Alert. The story highlights the consequences of our society's fixation on technology, urging us to remain vigilant and engaged with the world beyond our screens, underscoring the need for mindfulness in an increasingly digitized world.
Duration: 48 MINS
Date: Saturday - October 19, 2024
Time: 12:45 AM​
Duration: 48 MINS
Venue: Cinemark Theater
1670 US-22, Watchung, NJ 07069
About the Director
Dion Suleman, a Ghanaian American director and photographer hailing from the Bronx, NY. He has been captivated by the power of the narrative since his early days. The spark ignited during a junior high school performance of “CATS” in 1997. His exploratory journey transitioned into the streets of New York City, where he was armed with disposable cameras throughout high school years. Through these experiences, he unearthed a deep passion for seizing moments and intertwining them into stories. This dual love for both the stage and photography become the cornerstone of his career in filmmaking.