Interested in Volunteering?
For the past 7 years the Queen City Film festival has worked hard to create a space that amplifies the works of emerging filmmakers. We hope to attract a team of empathic and determined volunteers to help further cultivate the creative landscape within New Jersey and beyond.
Volunteers have been the backbone to the successful growth of Queen City. Words cannot express how grateful we are to those who express an interest in supporting what we do. From our featured filmmakers to our volunteers we strive to create a sense of community and family that can be relied on. Volunteering with the Festival will not only be a great way to network with and meet like minded people but to also gain event experience and insight into New Jersey's expanding Film industry. Attend free events, parties, and though provoking panels all while advocating for and exploring New Jersey's emerging arts, cinema, and music.
Access to all panels and events
Your pick of 1 film or block screening per shift
Some incredible and free merch
2024 Festival T - Shirt
Some serious exposure in event organizing